SeriCon is a universal PC interface program to your target hardware. It receives data from The Target to show not only texts but also numbers and graphics, and sends the target mouse clicks as well as texts and numbers. SeriCon also can be used to utilize the control-bits in a serial port to measure and generate pulses. Important features are:
* The protocol is simple. SeriCon STOPS the normal character mode on receiving three 0 bytes, and turns into the "function" mode. Let your target send SeriCon, a "function type" byte and the "arguments" data. Then SeriCon converts them into texts, graphics, and other various works. There is a function that specifies the header of information that SeriCon should send to the target when the user clicks on SeriCon.
* To help you program the target('s MCU or microcontroller) according to the protocol, a library and example codes with the source files are included in the package.
* Strings of characters, variously sized (1, 2, and 4 bytes) integers with various types (octal, hexadecimal, decimal expression), and double Precision floating numbers (8 bytes) can be sent from SeriCon by the user. The datum can be automatically sent with a variable period and number of times.
* CTS, DSR and RLSD(also called DCD), can be used to read and display some signals from your hardware. For each bit (pin), the present level(high or low), the count of level changes (PULSE), and the level durations, can be displayed.
* RTS and DTR are also utilized to send Static or dynamic signals with variable specifications (periods, level durations, and numbers of cycles) to your hardware.
* A file (sound file or program, for example) can be specified for an 'action' to be excuted when an 'event' occurs. You can define an event to be a situation where an input pulse count reachs a specified value or where receives a specified character.